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  5. My tracking number says the order has been delivered but I have not received it?

My tracking number says the order has been delivered but I have not received it?

If your package information says that your order has been delivered already but you did not receive it, follow our advice below.

  1. Check again outside your house where the delivery person might have left your package. Please also visit your neighbors, as it can happen that the delivery person accidentally leaves the package in the wrong place.
  2. Call the local courier to make sure where they dropped off your package. It is important that we know that you have called there, as we cannot contact the local courier directly from our end. Please first determine the local tracking number. Once you have that local tracking number, please get in touch with the local courier

If after these steps and the package is still not located, please contact us and we’re happy to help out. If we do not hear from you, we reserve the right to assume that the order was received.

Upon informing us about the problem, we request that you also check and confirm your shipping address if there are no missing details like the apartment/house/unit number on your order confirmation email. In case there is some missing information, please inform us & send us your shipping address once more in the given format.

Shipping Address Format

Full name: 
Address details:


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