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  5. I would like to contact the local courier handling my package in my country

I would like to contact the local courier handling my package in my country

If you would like to directly contact your local courier about your package that had already arrived in the destination country, we provided information on how to do this depending on your package’s international courier if it is with Yun Express. 4PX or China Post below.

In order to get a better image of the supposed transit of the different couriers we use for our shipments, you may refer to the estimated courier delivery timetable.

Shipment through Yun Express/4PX

In the case that you would like to get in touch with the local courier due to any query or concern, you can directly contact them if you already know which of them is handling your package. Here we have provided a list of all the common local couriers and their contact information that are operating within your location. If you are not sure who has it, then you can determine the local courier easily through the official website of Yun Express & 4PX.

The local courier might ask you to give them the local tracking number that is attached to your shipment, so in that event, it’ll be helpful if you know how to determine your local tracking number yourself.

Shipment through China Post/EUB/EMS

If your shipments were through China Post, EUB, or other logistics as their couriers, please contact our support team in order for us to assist you properly with the issues that you are experiencing.

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