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  5. How to apply my store credits to my order?

How to apply my store credits to my order?

Every customer who received store credits has their own user shop account. Unless you already created an account before ordering, the email address connected to your user account is the one used to place your order. If you cannot access or log in, please get in touch with our support team to reset the password.

Ensure that you are logged in on your shop account.

The store credits can be applied during the checkout process. It will appear as shown below.

Click the “Apply?” button to input the amount of store credits that you want to use for your purchase. It is up to you if you want to use the full credits available or just a partial amount.

Once you have clicked “Apply”, the credit used will be subtracted from the total amount to pay for your purchase. The end total shown will now be the remaining amount that you will pay with your chosen payment method, either through Credit/Debit cards or PayPal.

For Mobile Users

It is the same process as checking out with your desktop or laptop. Ensure that you are logged in with your shop account. Proceed to checkout.

Click on “Show order summary” to see the list of items and your order total. Scroll down just until you see your order total and below that, the Store Credit Balance you have is shown. Click “Apply?” to input the amount of store credits that you want to use.

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