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  5. Determine the local courier’s tracking number

Determine the local courier’s tracking number

Here are the steps to determine your local tracking number in case you need it to follow up on your package with your local courier. A little side note, the local courier available varies in the destination country and also in the customer’s shipping address area. Of course, we can easily assist you with every step. So in the situation where you need help, do contact us.

Shipment through Yun Express or 4PX

Step 1: Visit the official website

Visit the official tracking website of 4PX or Yun Express and enter the tracking number provided in the shipment notification email.

Step 2: Find the last-mile delivery tracking number

Check if the last-mile delivery tracking is already available. This will be the local courier’s tracking number.

Optional Step 3:

Here is an additional step that is optional to do. We want to show you how to track using your newly determined local tracking number and this is helpful if you are not sure which local courier the tracking number that you got on Step 2 belongs to.

Go to or the official local courier’s website to track your package. will automatically detect which local courier the tracking number you have put belongs to. If the tracking number fails to be detected, you can try using the tracking page available on different local couriers in your country.

Shipment through China Post/EUB/EMS

If your shipments were through China Post, EUB, or other logistics as their couriers, please contact our support team in order for us to assist you properly with the issues that you are experiencing.


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