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Coupon Code

You can apply coupons to your order by entering the corresponding coupon code in the “Enter Promo Code” field during the checkout process. Once you’ve added your code, click “Apply” and the discount will automatically adjust your order total. Please note that if you do not click “Apply’ before you continue checkout, your order total will not reflect the supposed discount. 

  1. Coupons are not transferable. Please use the coupon before the expiration date. You will not be notified when it expires.
  2. You can only use one coupon per order.
  3. If you order a product and apply a percentage discount coupon, and for any reason you receive a refund for the product, the refund will reflect the original product price minus the discount percentage. You will not receive a refund of the original product price.
  4. Coupons may apply to product prices, shipping fees, or both if applicable. Please check the specific terms & conditions for each coupon for details.

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